How to give access to WordPress Admin, hosted on

Follow these steps to give someone access to your WordPress site: 

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin page which will be: yoursitename/wp-admin/
  2. In the toolbar on the lefthand side click on Users
How to add users WordPress
  1. Choose the option to Invite
Invite new users on WordPress
  1. Add the person’s WordPress user name or email address and chose the level of access you want to grant them: 
Choose admin rights on WordPress
  1. Click on Send invitation
  2. The person you invited will receive an email invitation and will be directed to your site that looks like this:
Email a new user receives when added as admin to WordPress
  1. They will need a WordPress account in order to log in to your WordPress site and voila! They can now make edits on your site without needing your password!