How can you share access to your Google Tag Manager account?

1. Go to

2. It will take you to the overview page with all the accounts you have access to *if you don’t yet have an account, you’ll see this screen:  

You will need to set up a new Google Tag Manager account for your website or app.

  1. If you have an existing account, click on the little cog in the top right-hand corner of the screen for the account you want to give access to
  1. Under user management, you can add users under the account or the container you want to give access to
  2. If you have admin permissions, you can click on the blue + symbol in the top right corner and select ‘Add User’
  1. Type in their email address 
  1. Confirm which account permissions you want to give them and which containers to give them access to 
  1. They confirm the invitation by logging in to their own Google Tag Manager account